Testing contracts locally using SDK test utilities
Once you're done writing your contracts, it's time to test them! You can use the Hyperlane TestCoreApp and TestCoreDeployer to create an instance of Hyperlane for testing purposes and simulate interchain messaging.
Example Usage
In the example below, we simulate message passing between two chains. For more in depth examples see the tests in the Hyperlane template application.
import { SignerWithAddress } from '@nomiclabs/hardhat-ethers/signers';
import { expect } from 'chai';
import { ethers } from 'hardhat';
import {
} from '@hyperlane-xyz/sdk';
import { HelloWorldConfig } from '../deploy/config';
import { HelloWorldDeployer } from '../deploy/deploy';
import { HelloWorld } from '../types';
describe('HelloWorld', async () => {
const localChain = 'test1';
const remoteChain = 'test2';
const localDomain = ChainNameToDomainId[localChain];
const remoteDomain = ChainNameToDomainId[remoteChain];
let signer: SignerWithAddress;
let local: HelloWorld;
let remote: HelloWorld;
let multiProvider: MultiProvider<TestChainNames>;
let coreApp: TestCoreApp;
let config: ChainMap<TestChainNames, HelloWorldConfig>;
before(async () => {
[signer] = await ethers.getSigners();
multiProvider = getTestMultiProvider(signer);
const coreDeployer = new TestCoreDeployer(multiProvider);
const coreContractsMaps = await coreDeployer.deploy();
coreApp = new TestCoreApp(coreContractsMaps, multiProvider);
config = coreApp.extendWithConnectionClientConfig(
getChainToOwnerMap(testChainConnectionConfigs, signer.address),
beforeEach(async () => {
const helloWorld = new HelloWorldDeployer(multiProvider, config, coreApp);
const contracts = await helloWorld.deploy();
local = contracts[localChain].router;
remote = contracts[remoteChain].router;
// The all counts start empty
expect(await local.sent()).to.equal(0);
expect(await local.received()).to.equal(0);
expect(await remote.sent()).to.equal(0);
expect(await remote.received()).to.equal(0);
it('sends a message', async () => {
await expect(local.sendHelloWorld(remoteDomain, 'Hello')).to.emit(
// The sent counts are correct
expect(await local.sent()).to.equal(1);
expect(await local.sentTo(remoteDomain)).to.equal(1);
// The received counts are correct
expect(await local.received()).to.equal(0);
it('handles a message', async () => {
await local.sendHelloWorld(remoteDomain, 'World');
// Mock processing of the message by Hyperlane
await coreApp.processOutboundMessages(localChain);
// The initial message has been dispatched.
expect(await local.sent()).to.equal(1);
// The initial message has been processed.
expect(await remote.received()).to.equal(1);
expect(await remote.receivedFrom(localDomain)).to.equal(1);